


Graham & Sally Nash's

own corner of the

already overpopulated

World Wide Web.

This site has been created to relieve the boredom which ensues
when we are trying to put off doing something more important,
but can't think of anything more interesting.

Recent updates:

May 2007: New toy for Graham

October 2006: Major make over in progress. (Well, it's easier than decorating the flat!)

Mar 2005: Added a couple of Finland photo's.

Jan 2005: I've finally put some climbing pic's on sports. They're a bit blurry, 'cos I didn't want to annoy people with flash. I will next time! I've also had a bit of a tidy up in travels, as the page was getting a bit long.

Aug 2004: I've just had a look at the log files, it seems people are actually loking at this site!
I suppose I'd better get on and do something with it, it'd be rude no to.
This site was turning into a (not very up to date) 'blog, so I've cut it some of it down a bit, and updated bits of it.
Sally will probably nag me to do a complete rewrite, but until she learns her way around Dreamweaver, I get to do it my way.

Made on an iMac
© Graham & Sally Nash, 2002-2006. Updated 11 May, 2007 MaskedWebber@Nashville.me.uk
Best Viewed With Any Browser